Software development and maintenance

About The Project

Founded in 1958, RGIS is a global inventory industry leader. RGIS is an acronym for Retail Groc​ery Inventory Services.

  • 43 Countries services
  • 34,000 employees
  • 200 offices worldwide
  • 200,000 inventories per year
  • 3,000 Global Customers

Services provided: software development and maintenance.

  • 3 projects in development
  • 2 projects in Third Party Application management

Technologies used: .net Framework 4.8, .net core 2.1/3.1

Teams that provide a “turn key” solution (development + testing + documentation)

~15,000 inventories per month with an average of 10 auditors

15 prod and 3 non-prod lanes (of 10 servers/lane)

Year of partnership with RGIS: 2017

In 2023, the development team has 17 members: 2 QA, 10 backend developers, 3 frontend developers, 2 data scientists, TL.